


Retrieves current collision from generated list.

Argument 'id[]': Entity ID.

Argument 'current[]':String to store colliding entity ID.

Argument '&angle':Variable to store angle.

Argument '&dist':Variable to store distance.

Argument '&rect':Variable to store rectangle that being colliding with.

Argument '&type':Variable to store type of rectangle that your colliding with.

True if a collision exist.

Example Code

	if ( CollisionCalculate() )
		new current[64];
		new angle;
		new dist;
		new rect;
		new _STATE:type;
		while ( CollisionGetCurrent(SELF, current, angle, dist, rect, type) )
			if ( type == TYPE_AWAKING )
				EntityPublicFunction(current, "Awaking", "sn", selfid, rect);
			else if ( type == TYPE_ENEMY || type == TYPE_DOOR )
				EntityPublicFunction(current, "Hit", "snnnnnn", selfid, angle, dist, APLAYER, 0, dx,dy, rect);
			else if ( type == TYPE_TRANSPORT )
				if ( EntityPublicFunction(current, "MovePlayer", "sn", selfid, _dir_) )
					_state_ = STANDING;
			else if ( type == TYPE_PUSHABLE && _state_ == PUSHING )
				EntityPublicFunction(current, "Push", "snn", selfid, rect, angle);
			else if ( type == TYPE_SWITCH )
				EntityPublicFunction(current, "Pressed", "s", selfid);
			else if ( type == TYPE_ITEM )
				if ( EntityPublicFunction(current, "Pickup", "s", selfid) )
					_state_ = LIFTING;


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