


Creates a new entity.

Argument 'parententity[]':Entity File name.

Argument 'id[]':ID to give the entity, if "*" it will also set this to the new entity ID.

Argument 'x':position to give the the entity.

Argument 'y':position to give the the entity.

Argument 'z':position to give the the entity.

Argument 'map_id':Map to create it on. CURRENT_MAP will created it on the current map. GLOBAL_MAP with create a global entity which always on.

Argument 'idlength':

Argument 'args[]':Defines the follow arguments that will be passed to the entity Init function. a - Array, last value must be CELLMIN d - Value, passed by reference n - Value, passed by value s - String "snsn" means that the follow argument you pass will be a string, a number, a string and a number.

Argument '...':List of Arguments to pass to the entity Init function.

0 on error.


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