


Creates a new Display Objects. 'string' can be a sprite name or some text.

Argument 'string[]':Sprite/animation name or text.

Argument 'GraphicTypes:type':Type of Object.

Argument 'x':Map position of the object.

Argument 'y':Map position of the object.

Argument 'z':Map position of the object.

Argument 'w':Width of the object. Sprites and Animations repeat until they fit into the Width , also Width can be zero.

Argument 'h':Height of the object. Sprites and Animations repeat until they fit into the Height, also Height can be zero.

Argument 'c':a RGBA hex value such as 0xFF33BBAA, FF is red value, 33 is green, BB is blue and AA would be the alpha.

Argument 'pos':

New object ID

Example Code

	new helded = 0xFF00FFFF; 
	new player = 0; 
	new obj1 = -1; 
	new obj2 = -1; 
	new obj3 = -1; 
	new x = 10, y = 10; 
	public Init(...) 
		new Fixed:fx, Fixed:fy, Fixed:fz;
		EntityGetPosition(fx, fy,fz);
		x = fround(fx)+32;
		y = fround(fy)+32;
		player =  EntityGetNumber("player");
		obj1 = ObjectCreate("", RECTANGLE, 11, 10, 5, 16, 64, 0xFF0000FF);
		obj2 = ObjectCreate("", RECTANGLE, 100, 100, 5, 64, 16, 0xFF0000FF);
		obj3 = ObjectCreate("", RECTANGLE, 100, 10, 5, 64, 16, 0xFF0000FF);
	public Close() 
		new xaxis = 255; 
		new yaxis = -255; 
		new zaxis = 128; 
		xaxis = InputAxis(0, player)/8;
		yaxis = InputAxis(1, player)/8;
		zaxis = InputAxis(2, player)/8;
		if ( xaxis > 0 )
			ObjectPosition(obj1, x, y-5, 3, xaxis, 10); 
		else if ( xaxis < 0 )
			ObjectPosition(obj1, x+xaxis, y-5, 3, 0-xaxis, 10); 
			ObjectPosition(obj1, x-1, y-5, 3, 1, 10); 
		if ( yaxis > 0 )
			ObjectPosition(obj2, x-5, y, 3, 10, yaxis); 
		else if ( yaxis < 0 )
			ObjectPosition(obj2, x-5, y+yaxis, 3, 10, 0-yaxis); 
			ObjectPosition(obj2, x-5, y-1, 3, 10, 1);
		if ( zaxis > 0 )
			ObjectPosition(obj3, x+44, y, 3, 10, zaxis); 
		else if ( zaxis < 0 )
			ObjectPosition(obj3, x+44, y+zaxis, 3, 10, 0-zaxis); 
			ObjectPosition(obj3, x+44, y-1, 3, 10, 1); 


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